VALORANT OMEN is a cool character!

Hello guys!

Do you enjoy playing VALORANT???

It released about 2 weeks ago so everyone is getting better to play this game.

I enjoy playing this game with my friend! 

Communication is very important in this game, right?

Make strategies for attacking and defending with teammates is the key to win!

But sometimes that is really hard to do...

That is why I introduce this character...OMEN!!!!

I think he is an excellent character who can play alone.

Of course, he is good with the team, but he has the potential to carry the team to victory alone.

This is when I played him. My teammates didn't communicate much in this match.

31kills 12deaths 4assists                                                                                       

One of the things to keep in mind when you play Omen alone is how to smoke.

Team movement will change if smoke is set up in places that are easy to attack and defend.

Teleport ability is useful to escape and trick the enemy.

The trick is to teleport to the place where the enemy thinks you are not.

I think it takes some getting used to.

How was it?

The real pleasure of this game is that there is a way to beat the enemy even if the aim is not good. ( I'm not good

I hope you like to enjoy reading this article!!!

Have fun!

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