My first blog!

Hi there! Thank you for staying in my blog. This is the first blog I write.

Today I'm going to write about Animal Crossing. I got into this game these days. 

My island is still under construction, so please know it.

Let's get started!

My Island's name is むかしのしま (Mukashino-Shima) means an old Island.

I have made an old-fashioned Japanese village on the island.  Just my image

You see an image above.
I'm standing on a train platform which is the biggest station on the island.

Many railways run in old Japan, so I decided to make the railways and stations.

Museum station

Onsen station

Campsite station (Campsite behind me)

What was hard was to connect all the railways. 

I'm sad the images don't tell that well...

Anyway, this is my island based on the railways.

This introduction is very rough. I can not write good sentences.

But I hope you like my blog :)

Thank you for reading this far. See you in the next blog!


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