Animal Crossing Residents Introduction


Today, I am going to introduce the animals that live on my island!

Their English and Japanese name, also personality, and habit.

1. Renee = おさい (Osai)

    Personality: Sisterly     Habit: パネェ (pa-ne-e)

    She is a nice and powerful girl. A first resident of my island.

2. Filbert = リッキー ( Ricky)
    Personality: Lazy     Habit: でしゅ(de-shu)

    He is a kind and cute animal. A third resident of my island.

3. Fauna = ドレミ (Doremi)
    Personality: Normal     Habit: でしか (De-shi-ka)

    She is a smart girl. A fourth resident of my island.

4. Audie = モニカ (Monika)

    Personality: Peppy     Habit: アハッ (A-ha!)
    She is a cheerful and beautiful animal. A fifth resident of my island.

5. Julian = ジュリー (Julie)

    Personality: Smug     Habit: ね、キミ (Ne, Ki-mi)

    He is a cool gentleman. He came from a campsite.

6. Bunnie = リリアン (Ririan) 

    Personality: Peppy     Habit: みたいな (Mi-ta-i-na) 

    She is a happy idol. I met her using a mile travel ticket.

7. Lucky = ラッキー (Lucky) 

    Personality: Lazy      Habit: らしいよ (Ra-shi-i-yo)

    He is a lucky boy. I like his looks. I met him using a mile travel ticket.

8. Dom = ちゃちゃまる (Chachamaru)

    Personality: Jock     Habit: ふんふん (Fu-n-fu-n)

    He likes training! He is really popular in Japan. He came from a campsite.


9. Carrie = マミィ (Mamiy)

    Personality: Normal     Habit: だフン (Da-fu-n) 

    She is a calm mom. Her baby is so cute. I met them using a mile travel ticket.

10. Punchy = ビンタ (Binta)

      Personality: Lazy     Habit: だのら (Da-no-ra)

      He is a sleepy cat. His furniture unified in blue. I love it. I met him using a mile        travel ticket.

How was it?

I want to know what animals you like! Pls, give me a comment.

Thank you for reading!

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