Animal Crossing Filbert's Birthday!

Hi guys!

Today, June 3 is Filbert's Birthday!!

He is called リッキー (Ricky) in Japan. One of my favorite characters.

So I write about how cute cute cute he is!! lol

Filbert: Hello~! Kou~!

Filbert: You come to celebrate my birthday together~ でしゅ(deshu) ← This is his habit.

Filbert: Heyhey, Kou, you have a gift for me~?? deshu   (I gave him King's clothes)

Filbert: Hehehe~, I am very happy today~

...............Too Cute

Bonus scene of Filbert

He is wearing a camisole which I accidentally gave it to him. 

I actually like this scene. haha

Thank you for reading guys! And Happy Birthday Filbert!!!


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