Animal Crossing Dom and Punchy's conversation

Hi guys!

I'm going to show Dom and Punchy's conversation to you. 

They are so funny and cute!

Dom is called ちゃちゃまる (Chachamaru), and Punchy is called ビンタ (Binta) in Japan.


Dom: Hey! No! no!! Stop!
         Don't touch my stomach easily!

Dom: Help me, Kou!
     Punchy tries to touch my stomach!

Dom: My stomach is not something people should be looking at!

Punchy said, " I really want to touch it~~~". And I answer 'Why not?"

Dom: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dom: STOP!!!!!!! GUYS NO!!!!!!  (We gave up.)

Dom: Oh! Great! Fuuuu-- 
         Glad He doesn't find out I have no abs...ふんふん(funfun) ←His habit


How was that?

Really cute, right?

Animal Crossing heals me. 

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